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Last Updated: 208 days ago
There are currently 6 working groups within Transition Chester, each of which has their own volunteers that carry out the work of the particular group. These can be seen on the Transition Chester website.
A consituted community group - unincorporated group
В некоторой степени активный
  • Выращивание населения
  • Другие продовольственные проекты
  • Природа
  • Создание локальных сетей
  • Энергия
Chester Community Energy emerged from Transition Chester and is now a freestanding Community Energy Company, but still linked to Transtion Chester. http://www.chestercommunityenergy.org.uk/ Working Groups include: > Narrows Park Community Group > Friends of Alexandra Park > Friends of Dicksons Drive Field > Friends of Newton Hollows > Suma buying Group > Apple Pressing Group

We are a community group that works towards making our city greener and cleaner and our members more self reliant and confident . We are dedicated to finding positive solutions to the twin challenges we face of climate change and dependence on oil for our energy. Transition Chester provides an opportunity for local residents to take practical actions to mitigate the impact of climate change and rising energy prices. We are a diverse group of people working together with a common purpose. Our members become involved in the practical projects that they are interested in, using their creativity and energy towards more sustainable, resilient and happy communities. We work in and for our community.

If you want to know more about who we are and what we do you will find more information in the working groups section of the website.


Transition Chester is one of many Transition Town groups that have formed across the UK, based on the Transition model started in Totnes in 2006. Although each group is autonomous, all the groups are linked through the Transition Network.

The Transition Network website www.transitionnetwork.org provides a wealth of education, guidance and resources for individual groups. This brief extract from the Transition Network website  gives a vision of what we in the Transition movement are working to achieve.

When we use the term “Transition” we’re talking about the changes we need to make to get to a low-carbon, socially-just, healthier and happier future, which is more enriching and more gentle on the earth than the way most of us live today.

In our vision of the future, people work together to find ways to live with a lot less reliance on fossil fuels and on over-exploitation of other planetary resources, much reduced carbon emissions, improved wellbeing for all and stronger local economies.

The Transition movement is an ongoing social experiment, in which communities learn from each other and are part of a global and historic push towards a better future for ourselves, for future generations and for the planet.

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