Transition Glastonbury was a community led association which ran from 2007 till 2014. At the end of 2014 the initiative disssolved, with the sense that the umbrella of a Transition Initiative in Glastonbury was no longer needed. This is not to say that transition is not happening. Far from it – we’d like to celebrate all the community ventures and initiatives that have sprung up over the past few years, including:
Feed AvalonSomerset Community FoodThe Red Brick BuildingAvalon Community Energy CooperativeSomerset Local food DirectGlastonbury Green Charter (adopted by the town council April 2012) Glastonbury Farmers MarketBridies Yard Food CoopIncredible Edible SomersetFrack Free SomersetHealing Waters Community GardenGlastonbury Reception Centre (Unity in diversity)
(and many more!)
We want to acknowledge the many, many people who put energy in- by being part of the Core Group, by organising events , by participating in hundreds of ways and by taking it forward by continuing to question the ‘business as usual’ story.
We would also like to thank Henry & Anya at Earthfare who paid for and hosted our noticeboard.
And for all mistakes – any bad feeling created – a heartfelt apology. In the complexity of what we were trying to do we were bound to get it wrong sometimes however much we did our best!
As written in our constitution we will donate any money remaining in our bank account to local community organizations who are working towards strengthening local resilience.
Looking around at our amazing community here in Glastonbury, it seems that ‘transition’ is now woven into the fabric of our community. Glastonbury is such an idiosyncratic place that somehow has never been a great one for community unity, people are often more interested in championing their particular passion rather than working together. But over the last 5 years, with Transition Glastonbury and also though the ‘unity in Diversity’ initiative with great input by Bill Knight and Morgana West from the Pilgrim Centre people have worked together in new and unexpected ways – celebrating the connections between us while valuing the differences. Our hope is that this shift will continue in a myriad of ways that will strengthen our local networks and increase community resilience.
In addition to this legacy that we are proud to have been part of co-creating, a mailing list remains. Over the last few years with the main producer of the Transition Glastonbury newsletter (Jane Sanders) living in Dorset and busy trying to help get a cohousing project off the ground, this newsletter has been sporadic at best.
However its great to have this facility to spread the word about transitiony events and initiatives. We propose to keep this newsletter going under a new title of Local Grassroots News. To susbcribe, please contact Jane and iIt will only work if people keep sending in news to janesiran@yahoo.co.uk and it would be great if anyone wanted to share in producing it.
If you are interested in reviving a Transition Initiative in Glastonbury then please contact Nick Osborne.