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Last Updated: 99 days ago
There are 9 core group active members, including Councillor link representatives, who plan, organise, and take part in Events and a group of Sustainable Dawlish members who get involved according to their interests, plus a further group of Dawlish Residents who are kept informed of our activities via our mailing list, and also the wider public who take part. We are currently in partnership with Turn the Tide CIC, aTransition Group, delivering Our Green Futures in Dawlish and surrounding areas.
  • 社区成长
  • 其他食品项目
  • 自然
  • 社区中心或活动
  • 节日、集市或活动
  • 艺术/创造力
  • 社区远景规划/想象力工作
  • 建立当地网络
  • 地方经济或新经济项目
  • 福祉或内心过渡
  • 共享、修复或再利用
  • 能源
  • 运输
We have a website giving information about our activities and events over time over time . A Facebook page recently set up, and a Farmer's Market Facebook page in order to promote the initiave further.

We are a not for profit Community group, guided by Transition principles. We provide Dawlish residents and visitors with encouragement and support necessary to make the transition to a low carbon, sustainable, ethical future. We organise activities to raise awareness of the issues associated with the challenges of Climate Change, and with continued use of Fossil Fuels and the consequent need to develop a low carbon, sustainable future through ethical, social, cultural, economic, environmental and community action which have included Seeds swaps, growing and sharing produce, developing a Dawlish Farmer’s Market, increasing biodiversity, holding Community Energy forums and Sustainable Transport initiatives, Clothes swaps, facilitating a Great Big Green week of Events in Dawlish delivered by ourselves and by partnership organisations and organising an annual Dawlish Walking Festival, complete with special interest walks to increase environmental appreciation, understanding, fitness and mental health.

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