Bæredygtig Dawlish

- Voksende samfund
- Andre fødevareprojekter
- Natur
- Fællesskabshub eller aktiviteter
- Festivaler, messer eller begivenheder
- Kunst / kreativitet
- Fællesskabsvisioner/fantasiarbejde
- Opbygning af lokale netværk
- Projekter inden for lokaløkonomi eller ny økonomi
- Velbefindende eller indre forandring
- Del, reparer eller genbrug
- Energi
- Transport
We are a not for profit Community group, guided by Transition principles. We provide Dawlish residents and visitors with encouragement and support necessary to make the transition to a low carbon, sustainable, ethical future. We organise activities to raise awareness of the issues associated with the challenges of Climate Change, and with continued use of Fossil Fuels and the consequent need to develop a low carbon, sustainable future through ethical, social, cultural, economic, environmental and community action which have included Seeds swaps, growing and sharing produce, developing a Dawlish Farmer’s Market, increasing biodiversity, holding Community Energy forums and Sustainable Transport initiatives, Clothes swaps, facilitating a Great Big Green week of Events in Dawlish delivered by ourselves and by partnership organisations and organising an annual Dawlish Walking Festival, complete with special interest walks to increase environmental appreciation, understanding, fitness and mental health.