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Newcastle Under Lyme - Alleanza per la sostenibilità

Ultimo aggiornamento: 191 giorni fa
The above figure only has people attending events put on over the past 12 months - We have been in contact with many more people however are focusing on hyperlocal involvement in these initial development and establishing phase.
Non costituito (un gruppo di individui)
Un po' attivo
  • Coltivazione comunitaria
  • Altri progetti alimentari
  • Natura
  • Centro di aggregazione o attività comunitarie
  • Arte / creatività
  • Costruire reti locali
  • Benessere o transizione interiore
  • Attività di giustizia sociale/giusta transizione
  • Progetti giovanili o educativi
  • Condividere, riparare o riutilizzare

As a group we seek to combine the resources of the local people and local production to lower wastage, and raise community cohesion.


We are starting small with a community garden and community fridge however we have blue sky ideas to collaborate and build a network of like minded (and not so like minded) individuals to push forward with people power and create community local wealth

Contatto Newcastle Under Lyme - Alleanza per la sostenibilità

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