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Portland 4 the Planet (sub group of Weymouth and Portland Transition Town)

最后更新19 天前
Key organisers: 4 Community allotment active participants: 17 Community Fridge: 21 volunteers and hundreds benefiting from being food waste heroes Lottie Larder organisers: 3 and 50 growers Refugee Gardening: 8 volunteers and 60 refugees (2024 only)
  • 社区成长
  • 其他食品项目
  • 自然
  • 社区中心或活动
  • 节日、集市或活动
  • 艺术/创造力
  • 社区远景规划/想象力工作
  • 建立当地网络
  • 福祉或内心过渡
  • 社会正义/公正过渡活动
  • 青年或教育项目
  • 共享、修复或再利用
  • 运输
Community Growing: we have an active community allotment that is expanding and gaining popularity. A second community allotment is set to be established this year, 2025. Other food projects: successfully active Community Fridge that started saving food waste in October 2021. We added a 'Lottie Larder' to our food waste and sharing scheme in 2024 for food growers to share seeds, seedlings, produce, knowledge, a cuppa and a chat to help build friendships. Nature: we planted and maintain 3000 trees. This year we will have projects up and running to restore our shared and precious calcarious grasslands. We organised an eco-fair in 2019 and have attend other fairs with a stand in the years since. Festivals and arts are organised by Bside which Portland 4 the Planet has been involved in hosting an artist at the allotment and running a stall at fairs and contributing with a talk at events like 'Future Portland'. Community visioning: we hosted people's assemblies to harvest ideas for what we can do as a community to address the climate and nature emergency, the outcomes became our action list. We are connected with the other local groups and organisations in a Network called, 'The Portland Forum'. Wellbeing: the volunteering activities we provide are very beneficial to participants mental and physical wellbeing. Social Justice / Just Transition: we are providing opportunities for the refugees aboard the Bibby Stockholm in Portland Port, to take part in gardening in the allotment tending and restorative work on our calcarious grasslands. Youth or education projects: we gave talks to schools and ran an environmental school group. We offer the First Portland Scouts an annual experience of food growing at the allotment to gain their gardening badge and because they love it as much as we do. Share, repair or reuse: we have a share shed of tools and equipment at the allotment and the Lottie Larder will be a central gathering sport to share and reuse growing related items. Energy: we have campaigned for a clean energy solution in place of the proposal for a waste incinerator. Transport: we campaign for people to cycle and walk and take public transport over driving.

Portland 4 the Planet is a sub group of Transition Town Weymouth and Portland in Dorset, UK. Founded in 2019 by Olympic sailor, Laura Baldwin, Portland 4 the Planet hosted people’s assemblies to harvest solutions we could embrace to the climate and nature issues that we face. The outcomes became Portland 4 the Planet’s action list and we set to it, hosting an eco fair, talks, planting 3000 trees, establishing community allotments, organising clothes swaps, establishing a Community Fridge and Lottie Larder.

In 2024 the group expanded the allotment more than twice the size with help each week from the asylum seekers aboard the Bibby Stockholm barge. This project helped to connect a fractured community and was positive for all.

Also in 2024 the ‘Lottie Larder’ (an attractive looking shed) was set up and ran throughout June-October. On Saturday mornings, all allotment holders and garden food growers were invited to join together to swap, gift and or receive; seeds, seedlings, produce, knowledge and have a cuppa and a chat helping to connect people and form friendships.

In 2025 the Portland CommUnity Allotment – at The Grove will continue, lead by Laura Baldwin, running 2-3 sessions a week for the regulars plus additional sessions for different groups including youngsters through the Scouts, elderly through Island Community Action, a group of people with Down syndrome through The Muntsy’s Group, the Portland Permaculture Group, The Wyke Horticulture Group and a Growing Connectors group.

A new allotment site will be established this year at the Portland Community Venue lead by Catherine Bennett. The project aims to provide growing opportunities for the Youth Drop in, the nursery and at different times, any interested local residents including any people with accessibility needs. There will be wheelchair friendly spaces. The produce will be used for cooking classes with a mix of indoor and outdoor cooking and to stock the Portland Community Fridge to be gifted out to local residents for free.


联系我们 Portland 4 the Planet (sub group of Weymouth and Portland Transition Town)
