First met in September 2010, constitution agreed March 2011.
First local food event on October 2nd 2011.
Facebook page and web pages set up.
Help with managing the community garden behind the stand at Nuneaton Town Football Club. Edible tree planting day held 2013. Planning to have healthy living events, gardening taster days and foraging days etc.
Nuneaton Energy Savers started – August 2012. Currently developing a Nuneaton Energy Report. Started looking at energy consumption in the town (past, present and future).
Transition Tales – started gathering memories for a more sustainable future October 2011.
Transition arts and crafts event – 24th November 2012.
Collecting stories about Acts of Kindness in Nuneaton (to or from people, planet or animals), accompanied with either a photograph of where the RAK took place or with a picture drawn by the story teller. Check out our facebook page for latest events.