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Last Updated: 134 days ago
We have run an AGM as a public meeting, several outreach events including an "Earth Day Eco-Fair" at the Hepworth Gallery, and street stalls such as at With Banners Held High, Better Buses campagn stalls, etc, as well as our recent Community Wealth Building conference. Engagement has been good this year!
unincorporated charitable organisation
  • 其他食品项目
  • 自然
  • 社区中心或活动
  • 节日、集市或活动
  • 艺术/创造力
  • 建立当地网络
  • 地方经济或新经济项目
  • 社会正义/公正过渡活动
  • 青年或教育项目
  • 能源
  • 运输
Some of these are engagement exercises, such as with the local authority and combined authority to ensure that our voice is heard in statutory consultations (eg local transport plan). There are several LA/Community Partnerships that we are active in: Net Zero Partnership Good Food Partnership Urban Blue-Green Infrastructure Steering Group River Towpath Project. We have a Nature Watch group using iNaturalist as a tool to support community engagement with nature recovery. We run an Eco-Educators Network and are initiating a Green Governors Network. We run outreach stalls. We are a network organisation with other groups as part of our membership including Grow Wakefield, WI, Civic Society...

Working with Campaigners, Trade Unions and the public and voluntary sectors to lead a Just Transition to an equitable and sustainable zero carbon Wakefield District.

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