Last Updated: 98 days ago

In June 2022, Second Life, Forest Row's Community Shop opened. There are over 40 volunteers that support the shop alongside 3 part time managers. Four Directors run FrowResource with the help of one part-time Administrator
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Second Life Community Shop has an active instagram account @secondlife
FrowResource is a not-for-profit organisation created to support the community of Forest Row to reduce waste and grow a thriving circular economy. We aim to use progressive recycling strategies to rethink our consumption. Our intention is to fill the gap left by the 2018 closure of the Forest Row tip by offering residents local options for managing unwanted materials.
Our objectives include:
- creating a zero-waste community
- creating local employment and apprenticeships
- providing financial support to local initiatives to the village
- contributing to village retail and community life
- raising awareness about waste and how we can collectively reduce it