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Last Updated: 214 days ago
All in the development stage
CIC (社区利益公司)
  • 社区成长
  • 自然
  • 社区中心或活动
  • 社区远景规划/想象力工作
  • 福祉或内心过渡
All in development , we have now become a Community Interest Company and have the opportunity to buy some land in the heart of our hamlet. A well respected local resident bought the land over 45 years ago to keep it as a green space. Sadly she died last year and her family who inherit the land are keen to see their aunts wishes continued and are pleased we want to buy the land and create Eastertown Common/ Green.


A rabbit revolution to become a Transition Hamlet

Individually we can make a difference – together we can make a change!

Eastertown is a small hamlet in Somerset. We have a great supportive community and recognise that:

  • A lot of people are socially isolated and lonely
  • Our world is struggling with climate change and we need to do something
  • For some, COVID 19 will be here for the duration of their natural life and they need to live a life that’s full of fun and purpose, not a life in fear

We believe together we can end loneliness, support each other through the challenges of COVID 19 AND make our world a better place.

Eastertown Evolution is in its formative stage, starting up in October 2020,  and is in the process of developing a range of initiatives to make the world a better place, now and for generations to come.

And we’ll have fun, a strengthened sense of purpose and feel really good with our effort. If we all do a little it will soon become a lot!

Why rabbits?

We made and shared rabbits made from logs to make people smile. There are lots of ‘meanings’ about rabbits but it just happens to fit with our ‘transition’ plan that rabbits are associated with ‘spring and new life’ – a perfect fit!

We are keen to link and learn from other initiatives and everyone is welcome to join us.

联系我们 伊斯特镇的演变
