最后更新:212 天前
We had 4 special events in the village in the year and weekly food markets in season.
The special events were 2 x Community Apple Pressings and 1 x Special Christmas Food and Craft Market and 1 x Summer village fete where our display boards with group activities were on show.
july 2009
The Group takes the form of an unincorporated association. With a constitution, audited financial accounts, with official roles of Chairperson ,Secretary and Treasurer.
- 社区成长
- 其他食品项目
- 自然
- 节日、集市或活动
- 建立当地网络
- 地方经济或新经济项目
- 能源
- 运输
- 其他
We have a very active Food Group.
Our aims are to promote a more sustainable way of living, encouraging locally-based food production and environmental awareness. Come and join our 'Food Group' which is made up of local folk, who enjoy growing and producing fruit, vegetables, making homemade preserves and other food products. If you are interested we usually meet in the 1st week of each month in or around the village.
We have a Transport Group Not so active.
Promoting Public Transport And Cycling
Cycling for all around Audlem
Free printed cycle map of the area and 30 downloadable maps for cycling to nearby towns avoiding main roads where possible, and for leisure rides
Project install cycle racks in Audlem!
Project to improve the Audlem-Nantwich cycle link by canal towpath and road
Other recent activities
Participating in Parish Council Road Safety Group
Contributing to consultations on Public Transport
We have an Energy Group. not so active
ADAPT is keen to encourage energy efficiency, and the uptake of renewable energy technologies. Both of these actions will reduce our dependence on finite fossil fuel resources and also reduce carbon emissions linked to Climate Change.
ADAPT is a local group in the Audlem area finding ways to enjoy living well today while safeguarding the future.
We do this by:
- Growing our own food
- Exploring energy efficiency and alternative sources of energy
- Promoting public transport and cycling
- Supporting our home produced food ventures
- Conserving and improving the biodiveristy in our local woodlands
The name ‘ADAPT’ stands for Audlem & District Acting Positively for Transition. ADAPT members meet once a quarter to share information, coordinate activities, discuss issues of mutual concern and make decisions for the benefit of the whole group.