Перехідний Леомінстер

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AGM 2017.PDF
A group organising talks, stalls and other events. Our Repair “cafe” which was functioning well at a distance, is now even better – held once a month with refreshments available and a regular plant stall – swap or buy.
We have a regular social on the second Wednesday of the month at a local pub.
A carshare club has been successfully established now has three cars.
The community choir has sung at various Community events in the last year including our own Seed Swap in February. We meet on Tuesday evenings. Our gentle cycle to a local cafe meets the third Wednesday of the month – meet on Corn Square at 10 am. Wednesday afternoon weekly Circle dancing is held at Leominster Community Centre.
Recently we have had a plant stall on the Grange at Leominster in Bloom Plant Fair. During the summer activities in Leominster we plan to have a team for the annual Festival Quiz and our member Chris is presenting a talk and film in town “People and Permaculture”as part of Threads through Creation celebration (www.prioryarts.org.uk) He and Looby run permaculture courses at their smallholding six miles from Leominster. Several of our members have been instrumental in starting up a new branch of Herefordshire Wildlife Trust. They will be promoting Gardening for wildlife in the next couple of months.
Our vegan cafe, a Community Interest Company with profits put back into the community has come, was successful for about 18 months but sadly, now gone. The property we converted is now run as a vegetarian cafe with regular music events.
See our Facebook pages for photos and news of events. Please email transitionleominster@gmail.com for enquiries.
2 June 2024