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Övergångsstaden Shoreham

Last Updated: 157 days ago
Hard to say.. We have several hundred people on our face book page 40 people on our what’s app group 300 people on our mailing list But when it boils down to who is regularly active it’s only a few of us. Largely because we are volunteers and this could be a full time job!
Dec 2019
Okonstituerad (en grupp av individer)
Ganska aktiv
  • Natur
  • Visioner för samhället/arbete med fantasi
  • Uppbyggnad av lokala nätverk
  • Välbefinnande eller inre förändring
We could be doing so much more…

Transition Town Shoreham is being re-established to address the big challenges we all face in this time of Climate Crisis. To bring people together (even if remotely at this time) to share our ideas, skills and knowledge…to build resilience and a more sustainable way of living.

We are seeking to reclaim our economy, spark entrepreneurship, reimagine work, re-skill ourselves, to build on and support connections that already exist and make some new ones.



Kontakta Övergångsstaden Shoreham

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