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Transition Town Okehampton

Senast uppdaterad: 211 dagar sedan
New group with an Initiating group of 5
March 2024
Okonstituerad (en grupp av individer)
Ganska aktiv
  • Växande gemenskap
  • Centrum för gemenskap eller aktiviteter
  • Visioner för samhället/arbete med fantasi
Aiming to work on: Repair Cafe, community wellbeing, library of things, food and nature Plastic Free Okehampton, Okehampton Community Garden and Community Kitchen already exist as do other nature and a food and farming co-op. All of these have shown an interest in being part of a bigger vision within Transition Town Okehampton

Transition Town Okehampton have only just adopted their constitution but are becoming an active hub for a group of sustainable community groups already active in the area. Our Initiating group is showing ‘Demain’ on 6th April to welcome regular Green drink attenders and hopefully many more members of the public to create new initiatives in our beautiful Dartmoor Town.

We will follow this with a creative/visioning event. At present unincorporated but aiming at CIC or CBS status.

Kontakta Transition Town Okehampton

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