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Hållbart Nantwich

Senast uppdaterad: 214 dagar sedan
Sustainable Nantwich is a friendly group of volunteers working together to promote sustainability and facilitate green projects within Nantwich and the surrounding rural areas.  All you need to volunteer with us is a desire to connect with likeminded individuals working towards a more sustainable future for Nantwich and surrounding rural communities. Would you like to join our group? This is not a huge time commitment, if you could spare a few irregular hours you would be made most welcome. We use a Facebook Group to engage a large number of the town's residents in the messages of Sustainable Nantwich. The Facebook group has 1.5K likes and 1.8K followers. Posts are made regularly to raise awareness about the opportunities and solutions to the planetary crises of climate change, pollution and biodiversity loss. Residents engage with our content and routinely re-share our messages on other local 'Nantwich Community' facebook pages (some have 20,000 followers). We also have a large following on Instagram and nearly 100 members of an active WhatsApp group which is used for day-to-day coordination of volunteer activities in the community. Sustainable Nantwich is all about making the connections. As well as helping residents of our town benefit from being outside with others to support nature, we make connections with other businesses, local groups and local authorities. A great achievement in summer 2023 was to encourage the Nantwich Food Festival to launch a new Sustainability Award. During the course of the festival, we coordinated a team of volunteers who surveyed around 100 food and drink businesses engaging them in conversations around sustainability - with a focus on reducing plastic waste. We identify and raise awareness about best practices on sustainability and then encourage/inform others to help them transition towards more sustainable practices. We also hold a seasonal social, which is open to everyone in the community. This provides an important time and space for like-minded individuals to come together, share any concerns or challenges and co-create ideas on how to make Nantwich more sustainable.
Sustainable Nantwich was officially launched in January 2020 to expand on the successes of the town's Plastic Free Nantwich campaign (which was launched in 2019 and is now a subgroup of Sustainable Nantwich).).
CIC (företag med gemensamt intresse)
Mycket aktiv
  • Växande gemenskap
  • Andra livsmedelsprojekt
  • Natur
  • Centrum för gemenskap eller aktiviteter
  • Festivaler, mässor eller evenemang
  • Konst / kreativitet
  • Visioner för samhället/arbete med fantasi
  • Uppbyggnad av lokala nätverk
  • Projekt för lokal ekonomi eller ny ekonomi
  • Välbefinnande eller inre förändring
  • Ungdoms- eller utbildningsprojekt
  • Dela, reparera eller återanvända
  • Energi
  • Transport
  • Andra
Plastic Free Nantwich: Nantwich Climate Change Action Plan: Nantwich Growing Health Community Garden: Summer of Science Festival: Coordinating the first Sustainability Award of the Nantwich Food Festival

Hållbart Nantwich is a volunteer-led network based in Nantwich, Cheshire (United Kingdom) which aims to advance local action in response to the three main planetary crises that humanity currently faces: climate change, pollution, and biodiversity loss.

Our story so far… Plastic free Nantwich was launched in March 2019 by local residents Emilie Janman and Jeremy Herbert. After 6 months the group realised that we were working on lots of projects which had far reaching implications and did not just focus on plastic waste in Nantwich so together we launched Hållbart Nantwich in January 2020 of which Plastic Free Nantwich is one of the main subgroups. Bad timing with the pandemic… as we had just begun to engage many stakeholders in the community, but we started up our campaigning again at the beginning of 2021. During the pandemic we kept up communication with Nantwich Town Council and encouraged them to declare a climate emergency. Sadly, Emilie moved to Cornwall in August 2021 but we soldiered on and Sustainable Nantwich is now coordinated by a small group of volunteers (who are always on the lookout for more hands!).

Hållbart Nantwich does not work in isolation but works alongside Nantwich Town Council and many other community groups in the town.

Working closely with other organisations Hållbart Nantwich is involved in the following projects:

  • Plastic Free Nantwich
  • Refill Nantwich
  • Nantwich Sunflower Challenge
  • Nantwich One Plan
  • Nantwich Town Council Climate Change Action Plan
  • Growing Health Community Garden
  • Nantwich Mill Community Energy Company
  • Summer of Science Festival

Hållbart Nantwich has grown to be a real force for good in our local community. We have received several awards recognising our achievements to advance local action on climate, pollution and nature:

  • Outstanding Organisation – Nantwich Mayor’s Salt of the Earth Awards (2023)
    • In May 2023 we were awarded the outstanding organisation award from the Mayor of Nantwich, Councillor Peter Groves. We were delighted that the hard work of all our volunteers was recognised by the Mayor and Nantwich Town Council.  Our coordinators John, Lesley and Mark received the award on behalf of all Sustainable Nantwich Volunteers!
  • Eco Warrior Award – Morrisons (2022)
    • In June 2022 we were awarded the Eco Warrior Award by Nantwich Morrisons recognising the community projects we have been working on. A big thank you to their community champion Nikki Harrison for nominating us!
  • Inspiring Individual awarded to Jeremy Herbert (co-founder) – Nantwich Mayor’s Salt of the Earth Awards (2022)
    • In May 2022 one of our co-founders was honoured with the Inspiring Individual Award in the Salt of the Earth Awards presented by the Mayor of Nantwich, Councillor Stuart Bostock. Jeremy founded Plastic Free Nantwich and Sustainable Nantwich and has been inspiring the local community to get involved in sustainable projects for decades.
  • Plastic Free Community Award – Surfers Against Sewage (2022) Nantwich – Plastic Free Communities
    • In March 2022 we were awarded Plastic Free Community status by Surfers Against Sewage. We had been working on actively reducing single use plastic in Nantwich since the launch of Plastic Free Nantwich in 2019 and were pleased to meet the criteria necessary to be awarded Plastic Free Community Status.

We have a large following on Facebook and Instagram. We use a WhatsApp group to efficiently share information on environmental issues across our network in real-time. WhatsApp helps to identify volunteers and coordinate community action on the ground efficiently and effectively.

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