Land of the Sky
- Växande gemenskap
- Andra livsmedelsprojekt
- Natur
- Centrum för gemenskap eller aktiviteter
- Festivaler, mässor eller evenemang
- Konst / kreativitet
- Visioner för samhället/arbete med fantasi
- Uppbyggnad av lokala nätverk
- Projekt för lokal ekonomi eller ny ekonomi
- Välbefinnande eller inre förändring
- Social rättvisa / aktiviteter för rättvis omställning
- Ungdoms- eller utbildningsprojekt
- Dela, reparera eller återanvända
- Energi
- Transport
- Andra
(S) pecial Events – Production Support, Theme Parties, Cultural Events, Seminars
(P) layshops – Fun forms of Individual and Group Guidance.
(I) ntegrative Design – Multi-Disciplinary Team Approach.
(R) eferral Programs – Global Community Human Resource Department.
(A) rts Education – Serviced through a unique and talented network of teachers.
(L) eadership Training – Motivational Exercises for Early Childhood to Adult.
Spiral Enterprises is a Creative Clearinghouse for Arts and Education. Our bond is the passion to promote positive self-expression through the synergy of kinetic artistry. We build our bridges across age, musical, and cultural gaps in support of collective development. Our service is ushers for sensory invigoration, and emissaries in community education. We are honored to share with you, as we ignite your spirit and awaken your energy!