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Grönare Hassocks & Ditchling

Senast uppdaterad: 202 dagar sedan
Mycket aktiv
  • Växande gemenskap
  • Natur
  • Centrum för gemenskap eller aktiviteter
  • Visioner för samhället/arbete med fantasi
  • Uppbyggnad av lokala nätverk
  • Välbefinnande eller inre förändring
  • Dela, reparera eller återanvända
  • Andra

We are a group of residents of Hassocks and Ditchling villages in Sussex who are concerned about climate change and biodiversity loss. We are taking action to mitigate and adapt to these challenges and build a resilient community.

Our activities include supporting our community orchard, repair cafe and our local community veg patch. We also run regular climate cafés, seed swaps, films and hold monthly climate hub events to bring the community together. We work closely with local schools and other organisations.

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