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Transition Constantine

Last Updated: 149 days ago
Occasional (one or twice a year) "Community" Days have attracted the larger number of participants.
CIC (empresa de interesse comunitário)
Um pouco ativo
  • Crescimento da comunidade
  • Outros projetos de alimentos
  • Natureza
  • Centro ou atividades comunitárias
  • Festivais, feiras ou eventos
  • Arte / criatividade
  • Trabalho de imaginação/visão da comunidade
  • Compartilhar, reparar ou reutilizar
  • Energia
  • Outros

Transition Constantine is centred on the village of Constantine, near Falmouth in Cornwall. During the development of the parish plan in 2008 it became clear that there was a strong feeling that the community should be making progress on all the themes that are now associated with the Transition movement – and so the local Transition group was established.

Since then, the group is probably best known locally for running the monthly Farmers’ Market, set up some years ago now and still going strong. There have been lots of other activities, from running insulation campaigns, to screening movies such as ‘Chasing Ice’ and most recently ‘This Changes Everything’, through to installing a DIY hydraulic ram pump for the benefit of local allotment holders.

The Transition group:

  • Facilitated the installation of a 4kW Solar PV system on the local Pre-School eco-building.
  • It was also responsible for the revamping of a community newsletter into the Constant Times. This is now published in paper format and distributed throughout the community – as well as in electronic format at
  • Has a food sub-group that runs a Food Waste Stall that distributes excess food collected from local supermarkets – that would otherwise go to landfill.
  • Holds the lease to the Glebe Woods  in the heart of the village. The group is responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of this wild area of woodland.
  • Organises topical film nights with discussion  at the local Tolmen Centre.
  • Has started running Climate Cafes to raise awareness of Climate Change – in conjunction with Cornwall Climate Action Network (CCAN)

The group meet regularly throughout the year.



Contato Transition Constantine

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