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Останнє оновлення: 152 дні тому
CIC (суспільно корисна компанія)
Дуже активний
  • Зростання спільноти
  • Інші продовольчі проекти
  • Природа
  • Осередок спільноти або заходи
  • Фестивалі, ярмарки або заходи
  • Робота над баченням громади / робота з уявою
  • Побудова локальних мереж
  • Поділіться, відремонтуйте або використовуйте повторно
  • Енергія
  • Транспорт

Engaging Worthing in responding positively to climate and environmental challenges by creating a healthy human culture, one that meets our needs for community, livelihoods and fun!

Our groups and projects cover different areas of interest, including: Repair Cafe, Greenspaces, Transport, Sustainable Mapping and Networking.

Our Projects:

·         Our transport group has produced a map of local twittens (old walking routes) and meets regularly to discuss local transport issues.

We have 2 community allotments, a sensory garden and flower farm, 2 wildlife gardens with bees.

We also run an annual seed swap and a monthly repair cafe which deals with around 40 repairs each time.

We are part of a team of local community organisations that run an annual event “Green Dreams” that brings local growers, producers and community gardeners together and have put on our second community climate conference in Worthing in 2023.

Our Sustainable Worthing Map has inspired many other groups locally and nationally to create something similar. This can be viewed by going to this page: https://www.ttworthing.org/resources/ on our website and scrolling down for access details. We hope eventually to link it to many other Transition groups around the country.

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