Перехідне місто Веллінгтон (Сомерсет)
- Зростання спільноти
- Інші продовольчі проекти
- Природа
- Фестивалі, ярмарки або заходи
- Мистецтво / творчість
- Побудова локальних мереж
- Поділіться, відремонтуйте або використовуйте повторно
- Транспорт
Transition Town Wellington (TTW) started in 2008, and now has regular events with several active subgroups: community gardening, wildlife, a bookworms group, water guardians, sustainable transport group, and an arts and crafts group as well as a regular bi-monthly repair cafe.
Our aim is to find positive, practical solutions to the serious environmental threats we are facing as well as building a healthy, resilient and supportive community, fostering a sense of deep connection with each other as well as the land.
Some of our proudest achievements have been in establishing a community forest garden on Fox’s Field, planting new woodland on Linden Meadow, and helping to manage a 65 acre new green corridor in Wellington, a small town on the Somerset/Devon border. We aim to be inclusive and welcoming to all sorts of volunteers, of whatever age, ability or background. For photos, videos and a host of information about us and our projects, visit www.ttw.org.