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Айвібридж - PL:21

Останнє оновлення: 50 днів тому
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  • Місцева економіка або проекти нової економіки
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PL:21 is a Registered Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO) that brings residents together to help make a more sustainable place to live and work.

PL:21 is a Transition Initiative which aims to encourage more ‘Positive Living in the 21st Century ’ for Ivybridge and the surrounding area.

The objective of PL:21 is the promotion of the conservation, protection and improvement of the natural and built environments, and the prudent use of natural resources for the public benefit in the PL21 postal district area in particular by:

  • Advancing education and raising awareness of climate change, resource scarcity, peak oil and economic resilience
  • Promoting individual, community and organisational commitment to a reduction in co2 emissions, energy saving, reducing reliance upon carbon emitting energy sources, and increasing resilience to resource scarcity.

By getting involved and seeking to adopt more sustainable lifestyles, we can discover new ways of thinking, working, producing and sharing together at a local level; getting more out of our community, as well as helping contribute at a global level.

PL:21 is made up of local residents from a variety of backgrounds and with a wide range of interests and skills. If you have an idea to help make the area more environmentally friendly or to encourage sustainable behaviour please get involved and we’ll try to help you make it happen.

Recent Activity 2019-2021

Ivybridge Futures Fair. Jointly organised with the Town Council and South Dartmoor Community Energy, we host 25 stands from local people showing contributions for climate change including energy, transport, food, farming, wildlife, waste and recycling

Sustrans Street Design Report presented. Emergency Active Travel – Work with Town Council and secure funding for a quiet-way route from rugby club to town centre; work expected to start January 2021.

In May 2020 we successfully became a Registered Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO).

Close Pass Campaign – We receive successful endorsement from the police and county highways authority to erect 4 signs in known hot spots within the town. Funding secured and signs expected to erected in January 2021.

River Erme Water Quality Project – Secure funds and start water sampling project in association with Westcountry Rivers Trust. The aim of the scheme is to engage with communities to build knowledge and help foster future custodians to improve our waterways:

By undertaking regular surveys we shall develop an ongoing dataset that we hope will allow us to further targets aspects of the Erme where changes can be made to improve the ecological status of the river and benefit all those who rely on it. If you are interested in finding out more or getting involved please email PL:21.

Lee Mill Consultation PL:21 made a submission as part of the consultation to the proposed changes to the Lee Mill slip-road, which, it is hoped, will reduce traffic through the village and improve access to the industrial estate. PL:21 are broadly supportive of the works, however, want to ensure the existing walking/cycle route is prioritised and further environmental improvements are made to the area including the River Yealm, as part of the works.

Aldi Development PL:21 continues to work with ITC and SHDC to explore the wider impacts and possible benefits that can be gained from the planned development in the town centre. We are committed to ensuring open access to the green/blue river corridor and are working to explore ways this space can be improved for the community.

Контакти Айвібридж - PL:21

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