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Cidade Verde Winchcombe

Last Updated: 210 days ago
We are a formal charity with eight trustees and around 6 other non-trustee active volunteers.
Muito ativo
  • Natureza
  • Festivais, feiras ou eventos
  • Projetos para jovens ou educação
  • Compartilhar, reparar ou reutilizar
  • Energia
  • Transporte

Winchcombe Green Town – Win Green Town for short – aims to create a better, greener future for Winchcombe in Gloucestershire. We are a community effort to tackle climate change and improve our natural environment. We do this by engaging residents and businesses, raising awareness, initiating and encouraging actions across our town and working with other local groups to achieve common aims.

For further information please visit

Contato Cidade Verde Winchcombe

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