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Peterborough em Transição

Last Updated: 214 days ago
Constituted group
Um pouco ativo
  • Crescimento da comunidade
  • Outros projetos de alimentos
  • Festivais, feiras ou eventos
  • Criação de redes locais
  • Justiça social / atividades de transição justa
  • Compartilhar, reparar ou reutilizar
  • Outros
Food Co-Op

Peterborough in Transition was founded in November 2011 after a meeting in the town hall.

We are a group of local residents working to make our city stronger and happier in the face of environmental, social and economic challenges. We have different skills and backgrounds but we are all actively engaged in the Peterborough community. We are people who are learning by doing – and learning all the time. People who understand that we can’t sit back and wait for someone else to do the work. People like you, perhaps…

You can contact us on

***What is a Transition Initiative?***

It’s a place where there’s a community-led process that helps that town/village/city/neighbourhood become stronger and happier.

It’s happening in well over a thousand highly diverse communities across the world – from towns in Australia to neighbourhoods in Portugal, from cities in Brazil to rural communities in Slovenia, from urban locations in Britain to islands off the coast of Canada

For more information about the Transition movement visit

Contato Peterborough em Transição

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