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Jersey em Transição

Last Updated: 126 days ago
Last year we held a series of public meetings in parish halls right across Jersey to discuss environmental, climate change and biodiversity issues that needed attention. We wrote public reports to the elected members of the States of Jersey.
We have a constitution and were for some years a registered charity. When the laws affecting charities changed a few years ago, we looked at the application process and decided it was not worth trying to get Jersey in Transition registered as a charity under the new regulations.
Um pouco ativo
  • Trabalho de imaginação/visão da comunidade
  • Criação de redes locais
  • Justiça social / atividades de transição justa
Many of the original projects and groups that Jersey in Transition started and ran very successfully through the 2010s are now established as independent groups, businesses and charities around the island. Many of these were started or are being run by people who were formerly very active in JiT, or indeed their children. They are no longer 'Jersey in Transition' initiatives, so we can't claim credit for them here.

Jersey in Transition (JiT) started with a showing of the film In Transition1.0 in November 2010. In a lively discussion afterwards, many of those present said that they wanted to do more towards putting Transition principles into action in Jersey. This led to booking the room again in January 2011 for an open space meeting in which plans were laid for forming specific interest groups.

A steering group was nominated and elected at an inaugural general meeting held later in January, which has held public general meetings every month since. Specific interest groups that have been formed and have held meetings and events include the following. Those marked with an asterisk have their own Facebook group page, in addition to the general JiT Facebook page.

  • Breadmaking and baking – Anna and Cilla
  • Eco-kids* – Michelle
  • Green drinks – Nigel
  • Grow your own fruit and veg* – Nicky
  • Jersey car share* – Maria
  • Make and mend (community workshop) – Nigel
  • Nature & Soul Jersey* – Amanda
  • Shwopping – Ruth
  • Summer fiesta* – Maz
  • Upcycling and sewing – Kirsten
  • Walks and talks – Nigel

It is sometimes difficult to draw clear lines as to what activities in the island are part of JiT, associated with JiT, inspired by JiT, or are just running along similar lines alongside JiT. The following local Facebook groups also have a lot in common, in terms of the people involved, the aspirations and/or the philosophies.

  • Anti-whaling group Jersey
  • Arts from within
  • Body inferno dance
  • ~ Bountiful beans ~
  • Jersey Climate Action Network (J-CAN)
  • Jersey wildlife
  • Wake up Jersey

JiT is a not-for-profit organisation with a formal membership and constitution, and a bank account. It is a registered charity and hopes soon to be a member of the Jersey Association of Charities. There is no membership fee, but donations are welcome and will be used very carefully.

Each of the groups has an impressive list of achievements and plans, too long to go into here. Many of them hold events and activities every month. The best way to become involved is to join one or more of the Facebook groups to stay up to date on plans and events. Joining JiT itself, by filling in and returning a membership form, helps boost our profile and also gets you on our mailing list for the monthly e-mail newsletter that gives the dates and times of usually about half a dozen definite events each month.

We are proud to say that all of this is the done with the kindness and love of volunteers. We have never yet had to charge an entrance fee to any JiT event. Sometimes we ask if people can bring food or snacks to share, and occasionally we have had to have a whip-round to pay for the room when we have not been able to get a suitable space for free. The generosity, energy and enthusiasm of all of you, the people involved, is itself an inspiration to us all.


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