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Rede Verde de Herefordshire (HGN)

Última atualização: 213 dias atrás

HGN is a growing alliance of more than 80 local green, environmental and Transition Town groups, activists, environmental organisations & businesses, local community groups, town and parish councils and interested individuals.

We meet regularly (even now! Lots of zooming…) and we are involved in grass roots activities in and around Herefordshire.

Collaboration, sharing of information, inspiration, and peer-to-peer support is at the core of all of our work.

Anyone in Herefordshire who has a commitment to encouraging environmental sustainability and future resilience, including individuals, groups, organisations, parish/town councils and businesses (both ‘for’ and ‘not for’ profit) can join.

Contato Rede Verde de Herefordshire (HGN)

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