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Grupo de Ação Climática de Helston

Last Updated: 203 days ago
March 2019
Constituted group (unincorporated association not registered as a charity).
Muito ativo
  • Crescimento da comunidade
  • Outros projetos de alimentos
  • Natureza
  • Criação de redes locais
  • Bem-estar ou transição interna
  • Justiça social / atividades de transição justa
  • Compartilhar, reparar ou reutilizar

Helston Climate Action Group was formed in March 2019 following our local council declaring a climate emergency. Over a period of 6 months we wrote a climate action plan for our town, drawing on ideas and suggestions from our community for how we could get to carbon neutrality by 2030, in a way that left no one behind.

The Helston Climate Action Plan was published in September 2019. We have been working since then to put this into practice, focusing on reducing emissions, restoring nature and building community resilience. Transition has always been at the heart of everything we do.

Our current projects include: Helston Community Larder; Incredible Edible Helston; Forest for Helston; Nature Restoration; Helston Repair Cafe; Helston Climate Cafe

We welcome new members joining us!

We are an active member of Cornwall Climate Action Network

Contato Grupo de Ação Climática de Helston

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