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Projeto de Permacultura de Raízes Comunitárias

Última atualização: 209 dias atrás
25 people attended our project, but we planted 85 fruit trees in the gardens of local people on low income in social housing
2014 originally
We are constituted community group
Muito ativo
  • Crescimento da comunidade
  • Centro ou atividades comunitárias
  • Criação de redes locais
  • Justiça social / atividades de transição justa

We are a community group that delivers Permaculture and low impact workshops, we also help people on low/no income to grow their own food in the yards and gardens on Council estates/social housing in the Bolton Borough. The skills that exist in our group are teaching, horticulture, community development, support work (mental health and Learning disabilities) workshop facilitation, Men in Sheds Project coordinator, film making, and outreach to diverse excluded communities.

pt_BRPortuguês do Brasil
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