
- Crescimento comunitário
- Outros projectos alimentares
- Natureza
- Centro ou actividades comunitárias
- Festivais, feiras ou eventos
- Arte / criatividade
- Visionamento comunitário / trabalho de imaginação
- Criação de redes locais
- Projectos de economia local ou de nova economia
- Bem-estar ou Transição Interior
- Justiça social / Actividades de transição justa
- Projectos de juventude ou educação
- Partilhar, reparar ou reutilizar
- Energia
- Transporte
- Outros
Transition Town Totnes (TTT) was one of the first Transition Towns, ‘unleashing in 2006. We’re a dynamic umbrella organisation consisting of projects operating across the themes of food, housing & energy, transport, the economy, the arts, health & wellbeing, and waste & resources. There are now over 20 local projects, originating from these groups or who have become affiliated with TTT due to common aims and principles. It is self-organising, mainly volunteer operated, and community-led.
In early 2017, we ran a programme of Celebrate events for our 10th anniversary, which launched at our 3rd Film Festival, and included amongst other things Incredible Edible and Transition Homes community events, a REconomy hackathon, a wonderful programme of Earth Stories events led by Inner Transition, the launch of Grown in Totnes milling facilities, along with a TTT Tea Party.