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Chipping Norton

Última atualização: 13 dias atrás
Muito ativo
  • Natureza
  • Centro ou actividades comunitárias
  • Arte / criatividade
  • Visionamento comunitário / trabalho de imaginação
  • Criação de redes locais
  • Projectos de economia local ou de nova economia
  • Bem-estar ou Transição Interior
  • Projectos de juventude ou educação
  • Partilhar, reparar ou reutilizar

We are a community group for the Chipping Norton area, promoting and developing Solutions for Sustainable Communities – actions that help our local communities to thrive and be resilient in the face of challenges and changes to our climate, environment, economy and society. We see how vital our climate and ecology are for sustaining all our lives, and we are committed to reducing our own adverse impacts on this environment, and working with others to develop positive, practical solutions that help us all.

We’ve carried out a variety of projects and activities on energy, transport, food, waste and local economy. Current activities include Action+Learning sessions to equip us all for better action individually and together, Wild Food Foraging Walks, Tree regeneration, etc.

We are also part of Community Action Groups Oxfordshire, a network of dozens of community groups across Oxfordshire who are at the forefront of community led climate/ecology action, organising events and projects to take action on issues including waste, transport, food, energy and biodiversity.

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