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言語です: English, Français, Italiano
トピックス Inner Transition, Municipalities in Transition
国です: イタリア
リージョンです: everywhere



Sabina Santovetti, Woman, 63 years old, Mother, feminist, activist, ecologist, artist  and queer in soul, until 3 years ago I passionately worked in Rome as an architect running my sustainable design practice. In 2018, asked to help a friend in a no-nuclear political campaign to the Italian Senate, I came upon Extinction Rebellion. Realizing how urgently the climate emergency had reached, after months of grief and despair, whirled into active hope.  In brief, took a sabbatical from my past life becoming a full time climate activist in XR. Then, following my passion for teaching, certified as facilitator in The Work that Reconnects and started facilitating it throughout Italy in presence and on zoom. To me this Climate Emergency needs mostly a global shift in consciousness. Further, I enrolled and finished a Master degree at Schumacher College, U.K., in Ecological Design Thinking and started facilitating Community Building in local Communities. My thesis was on the cultures of the Goddess, Patriarchal societies and Feminine Wisdom. Presently I am studying at Hagia Academie with  Dr. Heide Goettner-Abendroth to become  “Lecturer on modern Matriarchal Studies”.  The energy of the Feminine is calling me. Community building, Wicca, Sacred in Cultures, Poetics of Imagination, Performance Arts in Delicate Activism. All I am investigating as an artist I use to facilitate and create a shift in consciousness. 


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