I re-source people and organisations to work from a living systems perspective, supporting the transformation of the way humans inhabit the planet.
I’m co-founder of LÚCIDA – Regenerative Thinking for Clear Actions, an educator in regenerative development with the Regenesis Institute for Regenerative Practice, trainer of the Council of Europe and the Transition Network pools of trainers and a co-founder of The Emergence Network.
I’m committed to, caring for and enthusiastic about being a resource to people and organisations in supporting the development of their capabilities and capacity to better harmonize human activities with the ecosystems that sustain life on earth.
I have a pre-Bologna degree in Economics and dedicated my first professional decade to work as an educator and trainer of trainers and youth workers in experiential, collaborative and participatory learning methodologies in Portugal, Europe and around the world, and on topics such as Participation and Citizenship, Global Education, Peace Education, Intercultural Learning, Human Rights, Diversity and Inclusion, Organizational Development and Project Management.
I’ve wide experience with various national, international and intergovernmental entities from the public, private and civil society sectors, such as: National Youth Council, Secretary of State for Youth, North-South Center, European Commission, Council of Europe, Asia Europe Foundation, World Bank, United Nations Development Program.