Transition facilitator, trainer, psychologist, as well as permaculture enthusiast, Josué Dusoulier has built up his experience and skills in a variety of fields and contexts: youth organisations, socio-professional integration of disadvantaged people, private companies, citizens’ groups…
He has been involved in the development of Transition and transition trainings since the beginning of 2010, is initiator of Ath en transition, of the Hub RéseauTransition.be. He is as well as a participant in Hubs group since 2012. His activity led to him being selected in 2014 as one of the 100 Creators of the Future by the Future Generations Foundation. He also did coordinated and refined the French translation of Rob Hopkins book “The power of just doing stuff”.
Very early on, he became interested in pedagogy and the conditions that facilitate change at the individual, group and organisational levels. He has also specialised in issues of inner transition, group dynamics, transition leadership, public speaking… He is also collaborating with the University of Nous in the field of shared governance.
His long experience of training in all its aspects, led him to become initiator of the training circle of Reseautransition.be. He has designed and created diverse trainings for transition in French (group dynamics, shared governance, inner transition, transition leadership, facilitating change, transition talk, mobilising people for a transition project…). In 2020-2021, he was part of the design and implementation team of the Inner Transition MOOC of the Université des Colibri.