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言語です: 英語、フランス語、ポルトガル語
トピックス Effective Groups, Inner Transition, Municipalities in Transition, Other, Resilient Food Systems, Transition Launch, Transition Talk, Transition Thrive
国です: ベルギー、フランス、ポルトガル、スペイン
リージョンです: 私は、ポルトガル(私の居住地)での対面式トレーニングや共同ファシリテーションを提供することができます。


A dreamer & visionary, A. was called from an early age by the philosophy of Life&Nature, from the most contemplative ways to hands-on-earth practices. Environmental Engª with a MA in Ecology Restoration, a path exploring unconventional and pioneering territories in practical sustainability, regeneration& communities. For more than a decade she practiced&trained permaculture, agroecology & forestry and immersed in social realms with the Transition mov, being a co-catalyst for the Portuguese network & trainer for Transition. Co-founder of an ecovillage where she lived for many years in a deep and challenging community experience, where she got skilled in multi-subjects giving her diverse abilities & coordinated the Educational Center for practical Sustainability. Last couple of years she’s been exploring ways of strengthening collaborative paths, supporting projects-counsellor w/ governance methods, systemic and emergent regenerative practices. She’s a tutor for Municipalities in Transition (MITLTT). In parallel, she deeply explores Inner Transition realms & wisdom philosophies as yoga practitioner (&teacher). Lately connected with Grief Tending work w/Sophy Banks team and currently her main praxis is as an Action-Researcher (CEI-Iscte, Lisbon) on social movements and collaborating in various research projects EuroRegen, Ecoprise and Regen4All e-community platform.

連絡先 アマンディーヌ・ガメイロ
