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The largest numbers relate to our annual sustainability festival ("SuStFest"), we also run thermal imaging camera sessions loaning out cameras to residents, schools and community groups in the district, Repair Fairs across the district, Harpenden Sustainability Markets, Our Planet our Future Discussion events and Book Club in Harpenden. Our Meet Your Neighbours team supports residents across the district to run street based community events including regular Playing Out Sessions, Street Parties and Festive Streets. See our website for further information about these initiatives, resources relating to the projects and to sign up to our mailing list or sign up to receive our blogs.
2009 as "Transition St Albans" before evolving into "Sustainable St Albans" in 2017
  • その他の食品プロジェクト
  • フェスティバル、見本市、イベント
  • コミュニティ・ビジョン/イマジネーション・ワーク
  • 地域ネットワークの構築
  • 共有、修理、再利用
  • エネルギー
  • その他
** INITIATIVES ** ENERGY - SAVING ENERGY AT HOME INCLUDING THERMAL IMAGING CAMERA INITIATIVE - https://sustainablestalbans.org/efficient-buildings/ MARKETS - HARPENDEN SUSTAINABILITY MARKET - https://sustainablestalbans.org/sustainability-market/ MEET YOUR NEIGHBOURS - PLAYING OUT, STREET PARTIES AND FESTIVE STREET - https://sustainablestalbans.org/meet-your-neighbours/ OUR PLANET OUR FUTURE EVENTS AND BOOK CLUB IN HARPENDEN - https://sustainablestalbans.org/our-planet-our-future/ REPAIR - REPAIR AND REUSE INCLUDING REPAIR FAIRS BY ST ALBANS DISTRICT FIXERS - https://sustainablestalbans.org/repair-and-reuse/ SUSTAINABLE SCHOOLS - https://sustainablestalbans.org/schools/ SUSTAINABILITY FESTIVAL - https://sustainablestalbans.org/sustfest/ ** GENERAL ** BLOGS - READ OUR BLOGS OR SIGN UP FOR FUTURE BLOGS - https://sustainablestalbans.org/blog-3/ NEWSLETTER - SIGN UP FOR OUR MONTHLY NEWSLETTERS OR READ OUR PAST NEWSLETTERS - https://sustainablestalbans.org/

Sustainable St Albans is an environmental charity working to help the city and district of St Albans (“the District”) to become a more environmentally sustainable place, in response to the climate and ecological crises that we face.

Sustainable St Albans raises awareness of these issues across the District, provides organisations and residents with information about the climate actions that they can take, and runs practical carbon-cutting projects.

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