- コミュニティの成長
- その他の食品プロジェクト
- 自然
- コミュニティ・ハブまたは活動
- フェスティバル、見本市、イベント
- コミュニティ・ビジョン/イマジネーション・ワーク
- 地域ネットワークの構築
- 地域経済または新経済プロジェクト
- ウェルビーイング、あるいは内なる移行
- 社会正義/公正な移行活動
- 共有、修理、再利用
- エネルギー
- 輸送
Transition Town Greater Media has been an active initiative since 2009. We have an active Biodiversity group that promotes native plants and trees, we’ve put on hundreds of educational events and potlucks, run a Solarize program and helped initiate others, put on Open Streets events and EcoFests, a Green Sunday Holiday Fair that features local handmade goods, and we work with our local municipal government and county government on several programs, including starting a borough-wide kitchen waste composting program. We have been running a FreeStore since 2014, and a small-business loan and support group since 2019.
We helped create and belong to a MidAtlantic regional hub called MAST (MidAtlantic States Transitioners) and have been active with Transition US working groups.