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Last Updated: 800 days ago

We are based in Ilford, East London. We started in 2014 and are engaged in several different projects, including community energy, sustainable food growing, a food cooperative, a Forest Garden, tree planting and wildlife gardening. We are always looking for new members and new ways to engage the public in Transition.

Our most successful project is the creation of a Forest Garden in Valentine’s Park, a local and well attended park. We managed to secure a site with the help of the park keeper. This project is now in the planting stage and we hope to continue to engage the community in the years to come.

We have also run a Food Fest – an annual event which for the past 3 years has brought together local enthusiasts – both individuals and organisations, to share skills and information to help people grow and share their own food. We’ve run workshops on how to grow edibles, composting, growing microgreens, fermentation and pickling as well as seed saving.

We have run an awareness event on caring for the earth in a local primary school to show children the importance of helping to protect the environment. We engage with other primary schools in the area as well as starting an awareness club in a secondary school.

We have been running the Repair Cafe which is a free and friendly meeting place where we repair things (together). Tools and materials are available to help you make any repairs you need; on clothes, furniture, electrical appliances, bicycles, crockery, appliances, toys, etc… You’ll also find expert repair volunteers, with skills in all kinds of fields.

We are also running regular Energy cafes in Ilford. These offer an informal, friendly way to give energy saving advice to people struggling with fuel bills. We offer information on how to save energy and money by changing their fuel tariff or supplier, taking simple actions to make their home more energy efficient and financial help they may be eligible to get.

Our Community Energy working group is focused on advising community buildings on how to change to LED lights and is currently exploring a partnership to set up a Solar for Schools project locally.

In the summer of 2019, we participated in the Green Fair, Ilford’s very own green festival. We organised workshops there on a multitude of subjects such as composting, campaigning, fermenting, herbal teas, upcycling, using cloth nappies and seed sharing and also supported a repair cafe.

We also planted a wildlife garden in the car park of a local church and have organised several tree planting events. During lockdown members did short videos on making cuttings, composting and other gardening themes. We also offered free seeds and seedlings for people to take.

Our Food Coop allows members to buy organic foods at a reasonable price. It regularly does orders for organic and environmentally friendly projects from Infinity foods.

We’ve also run a Christmas organic vegetables project at a local shop.

Please contact us via our website or Facebook page, Twitter , Instagram or YouTube. https://www.facebook.com/TransitionIlford/


Instagram @transition_town_ilford

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQpqdwbcwxj4_hp6cFEazqQ

Website: https://www.transitionilford.org

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