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Last Updated: 801 days ago

Transition Dartmouth Park formed in September 2011, inspired by the action of our neighbouring groups in Kentish Town, Tufnell Park and Belsize.

A true neighbourhood initiative, we are working closely with other groups and spaces in our area, and have representatives on our core group from Brookfield School, Highgate Newtown Community Centre, Friends of Highgate Library and local Tenants and Residents Associations.

We officially launched at the start of December 2011 with an ‘Eco-Christmas’ fair in out local community centre. The event featured a Christmas present ‘give & take’, local and wild food, children’s decoration-making, and speakers from our own and other London Transition Initiatives.

We are currently at the stage of raising awareness of our initiative, and hope to set up projects in early 2012 which will offer visible examples of low carbon and low energy living, to meet the practical needs of our community.


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