
- コミュニティの成長
- その他の食品プロジェクト
- コミュニティ・ハブまたは活動
- フェスティバル、見本市、イベント
- アート/創造性
- コミュニティ・ビジョン/イマジネーション・ワーク
- 地域ネットワークの構築
- ウェルビーイング、あるいは内なる移行
- 青少年または教育プロジェクト
- 共有、修理、再利用
This Community Cafe in our Arts Centre in Walton uses surplus food to create specials and daily soups and cakes.
This not for profit venture partly provides funds to keep our community arts centre afloat, but also offers free meals to those in need, a meeting place for local groups and charities, chatter and natter tables and free coffees and cakes to help people get out and about and also offers work placement to youngsters with special needs.
We opened in March 2019 and are feeling our way into new ventures, some more successful than others.
The arts centre has declared a climate emergency and is hoping that 2020 will be the start of a decade of change and delivery when it comes to tackling the multiple and complicated issues surrounding climate change.