Are you worried about what sort of planet we are leaving for the next generation?
…if we wait for governments, it will be too little, too late. …if we act as individuals, it will be too little. …but if we act as communities, it might be just enough, just in time.
The Transition Movement believes we need to build a confident, thriving and resilient community to meet the challenges of climate change and the exhaustion of natural resources.
We welcome anyone who would like to get involved. There are no membership fees or time obligations. We get involved in those aspects which interest us personally and give the time we wish to.
Our main areas of interest are:
- renewable energy
- making homes more energy efficient
- passing on skills
- local food and growing your own
- transport
- reducing, reusing and recycling waste
- sustainable bee keeping
- permaculture approach to gardening
- input to the Clevedon Neighbourhood Plan
- produce swap at the Farmers’ Market
We work with other local groups such as North Somerset Climate Change Coalition, Low Carbon Gordano, Woodcutters for Wildlife etc.
We hold a number of events during the year. These range from having a stall at the Farmers’ Market to talks from guest speakers and social events such as quizzes and film showings in collaboration with the Curzon Community Cinema. For more information , please see our Facebook page or email us.
Transition Towns
A transition town is one which is taking positive steps to become less dependent of outside resources such as food and fuel, and trying to meet more of our needs locally, creating more certain future for our children and a confident, thriving local economy and community.
What would you like to happen to strengthen our local community? Come and share your ideas with like-minded people.