Átmenet Cambridge

- Közösségi növekedés
- Természet
- Fesztiválok, vásárok vagy rendezvények
- Művészet / kreativitás
- Közösségi jövőképalkotás / képzeletbeli munka
- Helyi hálózatok kiépítése
- Jólét vagy belső átmenet
- Megosztás, javítás vagy újrafelhasználás
- Energia
- Egyéb
Responding locally to Climate Change and Peak Oil
Please see our website transitioncambridge.org for all our most up-to-date information and events!
Transition Cambridge is part of a grass roots movement seeking local solutions to the twin problems facing our society: Climate Change and ‘Peak Oil’. A rapidly growing network of Transition Towns is developing across the UK and Ireland, where local people have decided to start preparing for life when reducing our carbon emissions has become a necessity and we no longer have access to cheap energy supplies. However, a lower-energy lifestyle does not have to mean a future of dreary enforced simplicity, increasing scarcity, drudgery and hardship; far from it! Those who are already trying it are finding rewarding community solutions and a better quality of life.
The Transition Towns Movement is about people getting together to find creative responses to these challenges. Its main aims are: 1) to enable our self-reliance by strengthening and rebuilding social and economic connections at a local level; and 2) to support people in cutting their carbon emissions and reducing their dependency upon fossil fuels.
With YOUR input When local people work together and focus mainly upon local matters, things we can do ourselves or directly influence, huge transformations can come about. The transition process embraces very simple step-by-step changes alongside researching and implementing radical new ideas. Below are examples of what we can do locally: • Raise awareness of Peak Oil and Climate Change • Increase the security of local food, water and energy • Reduce the need for energy-greedy forms of transportation • Boost our local economy by supporting local producers and suppliers of essential goods and services • Identify and promote local renewable energy generation projects, and schemes that will result in more efficient and/or reduced energy use • Develop within our communities essential skills such as horticulture and environmentally friendly construction methods • Promote ‘green’ and/or ‘ethical’ providers of public services such as electricity, phone and internet, banking and insurance, local currencies and/or local credit unions • Network with like-minded groups; get together for social events to share food, music, ideas and FUN • Develop an attitude of optimism, caring, sharing and co-operation
What can YOU personally do? The role of a Transition Town Steering group is to kick-start the process. It is our aim to get as many people involved as possible, from individuals, to community groups to businesses and local government.
Here are some of the things YOU can do • Join this group to help spread the word via Facebook! • Email us at transitioncambridge@googlemail.com to be added to our mailing list for news and events • Come along to Transition Town events when you see them advertised. • Set up an action group that focuses on your own neighbourhood. • Set up an action group that focuses on a topic that is of interest to you. • Introduce Transition Cambridge to any group you are already a member of. • Become knowledgeable yourself about a relevant topic that really interests you.
Preparing for the Unknown The transition process may feel messy and confusing at times – we are attempting to prepare for an unknown future. Flexibility and a mutually supportive approach will be required of us as we are called upon to respond to rapidly shifting circumstances and the unexpected. It will also be immensely exciting, inspirational, rewarding… and…achievable! Let us know if you want to do, or are already doing, any of the above. Let us know the best way we can help you to get involved. Keep up to date with Transition Cambridge news and have your say!
The question is: What happens next? In the UK, concerned people are already seeking to help their communities prepare for a low energy future. The Transition Towns movement is spreading across the country. Transition Cambridge is a grass-roots movement open to all. Find out how you can get involved. Visit our website: www.transitioncambridge.org Email us: transitioncambridge@googlemail.com Buy: The Transition Handbook by Rob Hopkins (we have a few copies for sale at a reduced rate)
For further info: www.transitionculture.org; www.peakoil.net; www.theoildrum.com; www.energybulletin.net; www.cambridgecarbonfootprint.org
Margaret Meade, the well-known anthropologist said: “Never doubt that a small group of committed citizens can change the world – indeed, it is the only thing that ever has”