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Lasten puutarha

Viimeksi päivitetty: 204 päivää sitten
Jonkin verran aktiivinen
  • Yhteisön kasvattaminen
  • Muut elintarvikehankkeet
  • Luonto
  • Yhteisön keskus tai toiminta
  • Festivaalit, messut tai tapahtumat
  • Nuoriso- tai koulutushankkeet

Our story started in 2017 when we discovered a dilapidated plant nursery next to an allotment site off Cricket Road in Oxford. It was disused for 10 years and was overgrown with brambles. But there was something magical about the place and with a cabin, poly-tunnels, an orchard and growing areas, we saw there was huge potential to unlock.

A group a parents, community members and educators formed a Cooperative and set about to transform it into a beautiful educational space for families to be outside and connect with nature.

We want to offer community education activities from our site, for children and up, with a focus on Forest School, food-growing, outdoor play and self-directed learning.

The space will also be a welcoming local resource, a place where local families can spend time with their children, meet other parents and build social networks. Alongside regular childcare, we will offer community activities and events.

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