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Los Ángeles (zona de Westchester)

Last Updated: 773 days ago

The Environmental Change-Makers community group was founded in November 2005 to gather people around the ideas of environmental solutions — What We Can Do about our environmental problems.  As we learned what Hopkins et al were doing in England, we began trying those ideas out too.  Thus the Environmental Change-Makers became the “initiating group” for Transition action across much of the greater Los Angeles area.

The launch of Transition Los Angeles in December 2008 meant a redefinition of the Environmental Change-Makers;  where our events used to draw participants from all over the greater Los Angeles area, now those people join Transition action in their own local neighborhoods. 

The Environmental Change-Makers continue to gather, now focused on our local Westchester neighborhood.  We maintain an active community garden, out of which we teach an Organic Vegetable Gardening class series.   The Harvest Westchester local food redistribution program was a natural extension of the garden action, as were group purchases of fruit trees and rain barrels.  We started a LETSystem (local bartering / community-based finances) for our local area.  And we continue to host local Transition-focused gatherings in the Westchester neighborhood of Los Angeles. 

As of October 2010 we are at the stage of building a steering group which would be specific to our Westchester neighborhood.

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