Santa Inés
Transition St. Agnes is a group of local people in St. Agnes, Cornwall, UK, concerned with how we can best respond to the challenges of peak oil and climate change in a way that helps the community thrive.
We have all noticed how expensive petrol, heating oil, electricity and gas have become. The price of oil is set to rise and this will affect the cost of our food, medicines, shopping and lifestyles.
It’s easy to feel powerless in the face of these increases and news about climate change. Fortunately, we humans are inventive and problem solving and many people are finding solutions to what may seem insoluble situations. All over the country, all over the world, local people are setting up Transition Towns (and villages, neighbourhoods, beaches…). These local organisations look at, not just learning from the past, but at finding new ways to improve our present lives. They find ways to pool ideas and pass on practical solutions for our modern lives. They and we are showing governments, both national and local, the way forward.
Transition St. Agnes has now been running projects in the St Agnes area for the past 5+ years. Get involved!’