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Transición a Kings Cliffe

Last Updated: 202 days ago
CIC (sociedad de interés comunitario)
Muy activo
  • Crecimiento comunitario
  • Otros proyectos alimentarios
  • Naturaleza
  • Centro comunitario o actividades
  • Festivales, ferias o acontecimientos
  • Creación de redes locales
  • Bienestar o transición interior
  • Proyectos de juventud o educación
  • Compartir, reparar o reutilizar
  • Energía
  • Transporte

We are an enthusiastic active group of volunteers based in the fabulous village of Kings Cliffe, Northants. We’re passionate about Transition, here’s a bit more information about what we’re up to.

Current Projects
  • Transport Group: Monthly Bikefix workshops; Local bike ride leaflets; Generally encouraging the community to walk or use their bikes rather than jump into the car for short journeys.
  • Food Group: Community orchard in The Pytchell; Allotment project creating mini-allotments for people who can’t or don’t want to manage a full or half-size allotment. A group of us have set up an ethical food buying cooperative. We encourage people to minimise packaging and refill containers wherever possible.
  • Wildplaces Group: Kings Cliffe is very lucky to be set in a wide area of wonderful natural environment. We have many sites recognised for their high value for nature and biodiversity and our Wildplaces Group was set up not only to manage these areas for the wildlife, but also to encourage villagers to get out and enjoy them. We run regular work parties to manage these areas and keep them open to visitors, and always welcome new volunteers. We also organise guided walks where we explore our wild places, and discover interesting plants, animals, birds and insects. Recently (2024) we’ve been having to campaign hard to try and prevent development on our Village Field, currently a wildflower meadow and wildlife corridor (lots of wildlife including adders). It is the only sizeable area within our village boundary where biodiversity is actively encouraged. Hopefully we will succeed in protecting it!
  • Home Energy Group: A group formed in 2023 to look at ways in which we can help people to use green energy, become more energy efficient, and save money. No major progress thus far due to time and resource constraints, will probably be more about education at the moment. We have a thermal imaging camera that people can borrow to measure heat loss in their home.
  • Events: Kings Cliffe Transition Christmas Fair every December to encourage folk to buy ethical and local. For the first time this year (July 2023) we ran a series of talks, in this case encouraging people to garden in a more environmentally friendly way. The talks were very well received so we plan to run further events covering different topics. We also run climate cafes periodically, usually by turning up at existing cafes in the village to provide information and conversation. Plus in 2022 we ran a Carbon Literacy workshop hosted by Jen Gale, very useful and informative and now some of us are qualified carbon literate! We plan on running another series of talks in 2025.
  • Communication & Awareness Raising: We write an article about our Transition activities every month in the village gazette. We have designed and printed an information brochure that has been posted through people’s doors and is made available at any events we run. We have a website, which is updated quarterly, and a very active facebook page.
Future Projects:
  • If we have the resource we would like to expand the Home Energy Group activity to look at local energy schemes, for example.
  • Further events and talks.

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