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Deal With It - Overgangsordning

Sidst opdateret: 90 dage siden
Ukonstitueret (en gruppe af individer)
Noget aktiv
  • Voksende samfund
  • Andre fødevareprojekter
  • Natur
  • Opbygning af lokale netværk
  • Del, reparer eller genbrug
  • Energi
  • Andet

Deal With It’ is a community group active in trying to minimise impact on the environment and tackle climate change  in the Deal area, in Kent UK.

We do monthly beach cleans, weekly Gleans (harvesting unwanted produce from local farms and distributing to local food charities & schools), community gardens at Deal Station and the Captain’s Garden (Deal Castle) and kicked off a lot of projects such as Deal Hop Farm

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