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Sidst opdateret: 189 dage siden
Charitable Community Benefit Society
Meget aktiv
  • Voksende samfund
  • Andre fødevareprojekter
  • Natur
  • Fællesskabshub eller aktiviteter
  • Festivaler, messer eller begivenheder
  • Kunst / kreativitet
  • Fællesskabsvisioner/fantasiarbejde
  • Opbygning af lokale netværk
  • Projekter inden for lokaløkonomi eller ny økonomi
  • Velbefindende eller indre forandring
  • Aktiviteter inden for social retfærdighed/retfærdig omstilling
  • Ungdoms- eller uddannelsesprojekter
  • Del, reparer eller genbrug
  • Energi
  • Transport

Coexist - en social virksomhed i Bristol, der er kendt for at skabe kreative fællesskabsrum, pionerprojekter inden for ny økonomi og fremme genoplivning af lokalsamfundet.

In 2008, Coexist founded Hamilton House  in Stokes Croft, Bristol – as a pilot ‘Centre for Excellence in Sustainable Community’. Through careful co-production and collaboration it became one of the UK’s largest and most successful community-cultural hubs, which it managed for ten years before the organisation’s much publicised eviction, along with over 500 artists, social enterprises and charities, in December 2018.

På baggrund af sine erfaringer og læring er Coexist nu ved at opbygge en bevægelse til støtte for lokalsamfund og lokalsamfundshubs i hele Bristol. Mange vitale rum og steder - samt organisationer og tjenester - er truet. Vi mener, at dette netværk af mennesker, infrastruktur, viden og ekspertise er afgørende for, at enkeltpersoner og samfund kan trives. Disse ressourcer skal forsvares, plejes og beskyttes, hvis vi skal lykkes med at overgå til en mere bæredygtig fremtid.

As part of this work, Coexist has launched The Bristol Commons – a movement for sustainable community prosperity.  It’s current aims are to:

  • Share resources and nurture a culture of collaboration, not competition – a network of reciprocity based on commoning;

  • Bring vital infrastructure into community ownership to build community wealth and enhance community health – to Rebuild the Commons!

  • Generate a surplus to reinvest in vital projects that support marginalised groups and fund an equity-based sustainable restoration programme;

  • Collectively persuade and steer the council and national government for increased community power – including the right to buy community assets;

  • Create systemic change so that developers and private landlords are no longer the key beneficiaries in our cities by facilitating communities to protect and nurture our shared assets to maximise public benefit.

This work is embedded within the Transition Movement, as commoning and recommoning is a restorative process that values our whole Earth and all its shared abundance, biodiversity and resources as sacred and vital.  We use commoning as a practice to move from an industrial growth society towards an ecologically just and restorative society.

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