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Планета Хесуолл

Last Updated: 204 days ago
Неконституированный (группа индивидов)
В некоторой степени активный
  • Фестивали, ярмарки или мероприятия
  • Видение сообщества / работа с воображением
  • Создание локальных сетей

Planet Heswall is a voluntary group of concerned Heswall residents, looking to make Heswall more sustainable.

We are also a loosely connected local network, reaching out to existing groups in Heswall, and working with churches, schools, businesses and residents.

We’re looking for people who would like to get involved in a Transition Town group in Heswall, for example setting up local projects around topics such as:  Local Food, waste reduction, energy use, clean transport, trees & wildlife.

We have been closely involved in the annual “Cool Heswall” festival run by the local Rotary Environment Group since 2022, as a way of reaching out to the local community, as well as the primary school’s “Science Under The Stars” event over many years.

We are also well connected to the Cool Wirral Partnership (formerly Wirral Climate Change Group) and Wirral Environmental Network.

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