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Comuna Verde Belica

Last Updated: 359 days ago
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We have over 300 members that support and follow us, but around 10 that are constantly active and contribute on site.
Our Association was established in 2007
We are a non-governmental organisation.
Muito ativo
  • Crescimento da comunidade
  • Natureza
  • Centro ou atividades comunitárias
  • Festivais, feiras ou eventos
  • Trabalho de imaginação/visão da comunidade
  • Criação de redes locais
  • Projetos de economia local ou de nova economia
  • Projetos para jovens ou educação
  • Energia
We have now successfully finished one project for climate action in collaboration with the Macedonian ecological society which started a year ago, called Green Commune Belica (the goal was to make a replicable model of an ecologically aware and sustainable eco village, that promotes renewables, protects the biodiversity and the natural heritage). Within this project we installed 20kw photovoltaic system on the rooftop of our community center, two 7.5kw air conditioning inverters, a measuring weather station, finished the renovation of the ground floor and facilitated educational workshops for the wider community on renewable energy, biodiversity and climate change).

Our Association for Belica Community Development’ (ABCD) is a rural community with a shared mission – sustainable development of the village. In the past 17 years, the association focused almost all its efforts on building new, and reviving old village infrastructure, and has so far renovated many objects, reconstructed village streets, rebuilt and expanded the old school building, conducted numerous community initiatives, and organized many traditional cultural events to protect and promote the cultural heritage and the natural wealth of Belica and the region.

We reconstructed the old school building and transformed it into an operational regional educational eco-center that serves to educate, connect, and empower our community, and also assist and engage the communities in our region. A 20KW Photo-Voltaic clean energy production system installed on the rooftop and two 7.5KW inverter air conditioners make this place energy efficient and self-sustainable. We are a pioneering energy community in Macedonia and are assisting other initiatives to replicate our model and contribute to the transition.

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