Lectura TT
Última actualización: Hace 194 días

No constituido (un grupo de individuos)
Muy activo
- Crecimiento comunitario
- Otros proyectos alimentarios
- Naturaleza
- Centro comunitario o actividades
- Festivales, ferias o acontecimientos
- Arte / creatividad
- Creación de redes locales
- Compartir, reparar o reutilizar
- Energía
- Transporte
New spin off group Reading Library of Things https://rlot.org.uk
Transition Town Reading is a community voluntary organisation that aims to create positive change through reducing environmental impact and dependence on oil. We run a range of community projects in Reading and the Greater Reading area that cover the key areas of Food, Energy and Waste. We are a completely voluntary organisation and rely on donations and grants to run our projects.