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Last Updated: 188 days ago
Muy activo
  • Otros proyectos alimentarios
  • Naturaleza
  • Centro comunitario o actividades
  • Festivales, ferias o acontecimientos
  • Proyectos de economía local o nueva economía
  • Compartir, reparar o reutilizar
  • Energía
  • Transporte Marlow Market Repair Cafe Releaf Marlow Marlow Wombles Smart Energy Show Green Coffee

Transition Town Marlow (TTM) is a community-led initiative on sustainability and climate change. We aim to strengthen the local community and reduce our environmental impacts through projects that are enjoyable, constructive, inspiring and produce positive change.

We are not a ‘membership’ organisation, but a small group of local volunteers. Anyone can get involved – just get in touch. Our projects and groups are ever-changing and evolving, and we always welcome new ideas.

More information on Transition and the Transition Network can be found on this site. TTM was the 200th community to join the movement in August 2009.

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